Ready, Set, Run!

Ready, Set, Run!!!

Many people looking to get in shape, and/or lose weight often decide they’ll start running. Here are some tips on how to get going and stay going without injuring yourself.

Start slow! Seriously, if you just start running out of the gate, you are putting yourself at a very high risk for shin splints, and/or other very painful injuries that will only set you back. It’s very easy for runners to jump in too fast and over-train.

Much like boot camp, or any other exercise regiment, it is important to ease your way into the habit. I recommend starting with walking and getting used to that for a week or two. If you’re getting a bit antsy, I would do an interval walk/run. Walk for 2-3 minutes, then maybe 30-60 seconds run/jog, then back to walking for a few minutes. Interval training is a fantastic way to build endurance without injuries. Eventually you can increase the run time, and decrease the walking.

Make sure to take the time to warm up and...

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How do I Target Trouble Spots....


How To Target Trouble Spots...

We all have them. The spots we try to carefully drape clothes around. If it’s the tops of the thighs we wear longer shorts. If it’s back of the arm we make sure our shirts have some sleeve to cover them. If it’s belly we never show it and wear loose and draping clothing at the middle. If it’s butt we wear long tops that hang over the hips.

One thing is certain; as the weather gets warmer it gets tougher to hide these sinister areas. What if you didn’t have to stress so much about how to cover these spots because they look better than they ever have before? I hope to point you in the right direction with these short but powerful tips.

How to eliminate the “trouble” spots:

• Total Body Exercises• Spot Toning
• Weight Loss

I’ll start with weight loss because it’s the most obvious. If you lose weight the majority comes from fat storage. Fat is stored at all these “trouble”...

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Dear Diary.....

healthy lifestyle mindset May 11, 2016

Dear Diary....

I used to think journaling was something for those poetic people. I had a journal as a young girl and got teased about it. My mission as a kid was to not get teased so that sucker went in the trash unused!

After years of counseling and getting to know myself and how I function best, JOURNALING is a TOP priority! I look at it as my daily armor to get through the challenging world we live in. Armor against the negative self-talk that will endlessly rule my mind if I let it. If I don’t get my thoughts down on paper mymind whirls non-stop, and I usually don’t even know about what.

I have mentioned to a few people that I journal and sometimes get a blank stare. So I thought I would break down what works for me and give a few ideas. I spend 15 minutes to sometimes over an hour depending on what is going on in my head.

First I give THANKS! I call this my thanks journal (really creative). My goal is to 5 days a week write 5 things I am thankful for. Right now I...

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White Knuckle Weight Loss


White Knuckle Weigh Loss..


Does this resonate with anyone?  Do you feel like you are holding on for dear life trying to manage this weight loss thing? Is it exhausting and you feel like you can barely hang on anymore? You have to follow this food rule perfectly!! One small thing can make you crack and then BOOMyou gain back that weight you worked SO hard to lose!


I have been there many times and am embarrassed to say how much time of my life has been wasted thinking about FOOD!  It has consumed my life many times..Maybe most of the time! 


But,I have also seen the other side of weight loss too. I have seen weight drop off me when I become at peace with who I am. 


Over the years my weight roller coaster had left me with a pretty severe case of emotional eating.  Believe me, I could tell you stories that would make you gasp, and I will if you ask!   My weight has bounced dozens of times in my...

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By: Sarah Biernat RN, CPT
***For those who are totally against pop-tarts please read the bottom***

This is ABSOLUTE truth! I promise there is no fib, but there is much more to this story! If one were to look on my side of the bed they would likely see pop tart crumbs, and that shinny wrapper crinkled on my nightstand. Some nights the crumbs wake me up and I have to brush them onto Jeremy’s side of the bed.Marriage is SO FUN!

But wait, wait, wait. This goes against ALL science and what the fitness magazines tell me to do to lose fat. Eat pure sugar right before bed? This should make me wake up with hips in the shape of pop-tarts or cinnamon buns or something like that, RIGHT? Well, that is not what happened for me.

This is what really happened....

High School was the peak of pop-tart eating days for my fellow classmates. This was also the peak of my anorexia. I was pretty much hungry ALL the time and refused...

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Holiday Battle Plan


Hey There!

I want to make sure you are as successful as possible this holiday season.  I did this seminar a few years ago and I wanted to send you this audio and bullet points so you can have a better plan for this week!!!

Most people are going to gain weight that they never lose!  I want you to be one of the "lucky" one's who doesn't AND STILL ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS!!!


I hope you find this helpful!  If you have any questions don't hesitate to respond to this email.  If you would like to join our program so we can help you "fight" please email [email protected]

Hope you have a Happy, Safe, and Delicious Thanksgiving!

Jeremy "the turkey trainer" Biernat

P.S. Please share with friends!  Help us help them!  And help yourself by having more allies in the battle!!!

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7 Ways To Make Pounds “FALL” Off!

7 Ways To Make Pounds “FALL” Off!

These are large categories of techniques to make pounds fall off. A change in one of these areas can start weight loss. If you use them all I can’t imagine weight loss not being guaranteed. We work on all these methods in our programs.

Environment Manipulation

This is as complicated as changing who you hang out with to as simple as putting your candy dish on the other side of the room. The king of this Category is Brian Wansink, PhD and food researcher at Cornell. We have recommended his books on our website The basic premise is to make good things easier and more appealing to do and bad things harder and less appealing. Veggies and fruit on the counter top and ice cream in the basement freezer are a couple more quick ideas.

Eliminate Foods

Most “diets” are based on this idea. You stop eating _______, whatever the blank is. People cut, carbs, sugar, fat, processed foods, fast food, Dairy, etc. By...

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One of the hardest obstacles of boot camp for me was the SCALE.  I was (and some days still am) a person whose day was ruled by the number on the scale.


My back-story:

I was a “solid” kid who was much larger than the other girls in my class.  In the 3rdgrade I became very aware of my body being bigger. My “dieting” began that year.  But I was clueless and I also loved sugar.  I steadily gained weight and THEN came high school!  My freshman year in gym class, we all had to stand in a line to get weighed.  I had an old hag of a gym teacher who said the numbers out loud as she weighed us.  To me she might as well have been announcing this over the loud speaker.  As she said the number there were a few that heard it. One boy said “she weighs more than me”.   I clearly remember my body trembling, my stomach hitting the floor and literally wanting...

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How to NARROW your Waist...(It ain't about crunches!!!!)

How to NARROW your Waist...(It ain't about crunches!!!!)

I made a quick video for you about how to actually narrow your waist.  I talk through 5 things you need to consider and FIX in order to have the narrow waist you are looking for. 

>>Click Here to watch the Video <<

Stay warm out there!!!!

Your Trainer,
Jeremy "tall trainer" Biernat


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How many reps for maximum toning and results?

How many reps do you need to do for maximum toning?

This is a very confused topic. Some people thing they have to do 50 reps others think 8-12 reps, some people even believe it’s 1-3 reps.

(for those who don’t know reps is short for repetitions and is the number of times you perform a resistance exercise before you take a rest)

That’s quite a range! Anywhere from 1 – 50?

(here is a chart taken from research on the subject)



Because it makes you think you can’t get stronger with 20 reps or more muscle at 30 reps. These are the optimal numbers from the research but this research is usually done on college students mostly male.

I used to take this chart as gospel until I actually taught group exercise. I used to teach a resistance class that was pre-choreographed. That means all the moves were determined ahead of time. There was a song that all you did was squat. So for like 4-5 minutes you were doing always...

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